Once again Safar, an hugely interesting subject and one I’ve never really given much mind to, though ephemeral art I see daily in nature.. Mother Nature being arguably the greatest of all ephemeral artists; I’m thinking clouds, mist, sunrise, sunset, flowers that bloom for but a few hours before dying… the way a flock of birds fly over a building, in every day life ephemeral art is everywhere if we just stop and think about it for a second.

Does photographing such art make it less ephemeral? I would perhaps say yes and then no! It is human nature to want to remember something with more solid prof than memory, perhaps if we can refine our ability to keep those memories safe and clear there would be no need to make a mirror image - sadly we are not built that way so we snap away, not realising that we are changing the whole sense or reason of what we are seeing in the process. 🤍

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You have a very good eye for observing and capturing nature's ephemeral art!

I think another aspect to photographing the ephemeral is the wanting to share the joy of the experience and beauty in addition to the memory aid. Also the act of creation itself , seeing something uniquely and capturing that perspective that no-one else might see.

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Yes!! Of course! We all see everything slightly differently, that alone, whilst perhaps not ephemeral it is certainly unique.

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